Friday, November 13, 2009

Ring-O Flamingo

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The folks at Gamewright just sent us a copy of their game Ring-O Flamingo. One look at it and I knew my daughter would like it, so I took it home and opened it up to do a review.

The game is recommended for ages 6 and up but my 4 year old totally understood it, and enjoyed it to the fullest.

In this game you have 12 little life preserves. They are made pretty strong, so my worries of quickly becoming destroyed by my daughter were put aside, as not a one was even damaged in our extensive play of the game.

The life preserve rings are held in a little lifeboat looking holder. You remove one and then use the launcher, which is also a part of the "boat" to sling your rings at the Flamingos which are on the play board. You do your best to avoid the Alligators, which are also on the board. They will make you lose points - focus on the flamingos and launch away! Good luck though ... it is not as easy as it looks! I was able to ring them, yes ... but I also ringed an alligator a couple of times, and the plant across the table and my daughter and spouse on a couple of occasions. (no worries - no humans or plants were injured in the "testing" of this game :)

A lot of fun to play with your kids - My daughter played it until she had to go to bed. I ducked out after the third round of play :)

Easy to set up, easy instructions and good for a bunch of excited squeals as they play. I would suggest this one to anyone with young children. As I said - recommended for ages 6 and up, but my personal experience shows 4 year olds love it too.

This game is fast paced but will teach children (through trial and error) to slow down enough to improve their aim as they launch their lifesavers. Improves hand eye coordination as well.

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